Hegel’s Neglect of the Possible. Understanding Power and History in the Metamodern Political Project

Of principal importance to the metamodern political project is an understanding of both power and history. These two words direct our attention to particular obstacles which previous political projects have faced, but were not able to circumvent, such that we suffer from those same obstacles today. Common to the post-WWII period of thought is sociological…

Heidegger’s Πολις and the “Demonic” Characterization of Power. Including an introduction to καταχθονιος metaphysics

Unresolved is the popular opinion on Heidegger’s neglect to speak about the horrors committed by the Nazi party, including his neglect to speak about his membership in the party and his participation in party activity during his rectorship at Freiberg University. The most popular opinion views Heidegger’s silence as damaging to his character, if not…